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Israel calls for action as Homs Syrian military again shells

Hague says nothing has been ruled out, but Israeli leader calls for intervention now to stop the massacres
Forces Syrian government continued their lethal attack on the province of Homs yesterday, activists said, as Israel launched a verbal attack his best yet on Bashar al-Assad regime with an explicit call for military action against its neighbor.
Opposition activists said 38 people had died since Saturday regime attempted to regain control of rebel rule in Homs. They said Damascus had sent reinforcements to the mountainous area of ​​HAFFA, near the coastal city of Latakia, where heavy fighting has reportedly raged since Tuesday.
 William Hague, British Foreign Secretary, compared the threat mounting all-out sectarian civil war in Syria to Bosnia in 1990 and warned that time was "clearly running short" for plan of peace to the former Secretary General Kofi Annan on. Asked by Sky News if he excludes the use of force, Mr Hague said Syria appeared "on the edge of collapse or a sectarian civil war so do not think we can rule anything out".
Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, said on the eve of a trip to Washington that the "international community's efforts are not enough." He added: "We can not remain indifferent to the tiny coffins containing the bodies of children The worst massacres every day ... I have deep respect for the rebels exposing themselves to survive the fire and hope it will win .. "When the rebellion in its northern neighbor hostile began last March, the Israeli politicians - with few exceptions - chose to maintain a" strategic silence ", some apparently uncertain whether it can lead to greater instability and others fearful of damage to the forces of opposition from the association.
But the mounting deaths over the past 15 months and a growing conviction that by detaching Syria from Iran, the fall of the Assad regime was in the interest of Israelis, led Israeli leaders to ratchet expressions of outrage and offer humanitarian assistance to refugees fleeing to Jordan. "A crime against humanity - genocide - are done in Syria today," the Deputy Prime Minister, Shaul Mofaz, told Israel Army Radio. "And the silence of world powers go against all human logic. As in the not too distant past chose military intervention powers in Libya, here is the conclusion required immediate military intervention to reduce the Assad regime."
Government shelling targeted the city Qusair, near the Lebanon border. Abu al-Hoda, Qusair activist, told the Associated Press: "The mortar landed on Qusair by the dozens." He said women and children were huddled for days in the basements of buildings, too scared to come.
Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the Observatory of the UK-based Syrian Human Rights, said that the regime at least 58 soldiers were killed and more than 200 wounded in clashes in the district HAFFA between "hundreds" of rebels who had established a base and government troops backed by helicopter gunships. He said six children were among 10 people killed by a shell hit a house where they took cover on Saturday. The state-run news agency Sana said that "terrorist groups" attacked HAFFA public and private institutions on Saturday and committed "heinous" crimes against civilians, setting fire to the national hospital and forcing people from their homes. He said government troops had killed several militants and still want to get the area.
Meanwhile, in Istanbul to the Syrian opposition National Council selected an exiled Kurdish secular Syria, Abdulbaset increase, as its President in exile for three months.
The move was seen as an attempt to element unit chronically fractious council and also to widen its membership to include leaders of the Kurds and other minorities, restive about their fate in a Sunni dominated post-Assad of Syria.
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